Customize your
Hughes Light Trailer
Build YOUR Hughes
Select your trailer model:

Soft top
Hard top (upgrade)
Select your color:
Bright white
Soft white
Henley gray
Joe's gray
Additional color options:
Charcoal gray
Explore our standard features:

Soft top
LED loading lights
4-foot escape door
Cut gate slam latch
Center gate slam latch
Rear gate slam latch
GN24 quick release
Rear gate hold back
Diamond plate crank jack
Additional standard features:
LED Lights
Lifetime Rubber Floor
Electric Brakes
Chrome Inserts
Explore our standard options:
Tarp top
Smooth rubber floor with mats
Rubber cleated floor
Solid rear gate

High sides
Low sides
No sides
Solid center gate
16" 14 ply tires with spare on 7K axles
Crank jack
Additional standard options:
Single, tandem or triple axle
Widths: 5’, 6’ or 6’ 8”
Lengths: 12’ to 40’
Customize your trailer (upgrades):
Receiver hitch
Tack room: 3 or 4-foot straight wall
17.5" 18 ply tires with spare on 8K axles
Butterfly rear gate
Gate in gate center gate
Double escape gates
Electric jack with solar panel
Additional upgrades:
Tack room with 3’ straight wall (1 or 2 door)
Tack room with 4’ straight wall (1 or 2 door)
Tack room with 6’ straight wall (4 door)
Sliding rear gate